AH test


105 South Rock Road

Madison, Wisconsin 53705


7560 Marsh View Road

Verona, Wisconsin 53593

(608) 712-3205

E-Mail: audreyhandlerglass@gmail.com

Web Site: www.AudreyHandlerGlass.com


I have been operating a private glass blowing studio since 1970 and taught part-time at the Madison College, 1973 to 1993 (painting, design and color, drawing fundamentals, figure drawing, media fundamentals) as well as organizing workshops and glass conferences, participating in workshops and producing slide shows and lectures. National Glass Advisory Council member, Bergstrom- Mahler Museum of Glass 2012 to present.


Temple University Tyler School of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Boston University School of Fine and Applied Arts, Boston, Massachusetts

1954-1956 B.F.A.

University of Wisconsin, Department of Art, Madison, Wisconsin

1965-1967 M.S. 1968-1970 M.F.A.

TEACHING and Lectures

Royal College of Art, London, England, Senior Research Fellow 1968

Penland School of Crafts, Penland, North Carolina Summer

1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1978, 1983, 1985

Hunterdon Art Center, Clinton, New Jersey Summer 1972

Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, Deer Isle, Maine Summer 1973

Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, Montana Summer 1975

University of Wisconsin-Extention, Drawing 1984

Madison College, Madison, Wisconsin, Instructor, 1973 to 1993

Ox-Bow, Saugatuck, Michigan, Summer 1997


Royal College of Art, London, England, 1968

Grand Rapids Art Museum, Grand Rapids, Michigan 1968

Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, Ohio 1966, 1967, 1968, 1972, 1979

John Michael Kohler Art Center, Sheboygan, Wisconsin 1971, 1975, 1976, 1977

American Crafts Museum, New York, New York 1973, 1974, 1976, 1980

Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 1973

Lowe Art Museum, Coral Gables, Florida 1973

Renwick Gallery, National Collection of Fine Art, Smithsonian Institution,

Washington D.C. 1973, 1980

Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, New York 1973, 1976, 1977,

Corning Museum of Glass, “New Glass, A Worldwide Survey” 1979, 2019

San Francisco Museum of Art, San Francisco, California 1974

Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara, California 1974

Fairtree Gallery, New York, New York 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976

Bergstrom Museum, Neenah, Wisconsin 1976

Anglo-American Art Museum, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 1976

Philadelphia Civic Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Florence Duhl Gallery, New York, New York 1977

Oklahoma Arts Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 1978

Arkansas Arts Center, Little Rock, Arkansas 1978

Krannert Arts Museum, Champaign, Illinois 1978

Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, Wausau, Wisconsin 1978

“Glass ‘79” International Glass Exhibition 1979

Greenville County Art Museum, Greenville, South Carolina 1980

Milwaukee Museum of Art, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1969,1981,1985,1986,1987

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York 1980, 1981

The California Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco, Calif. 1981

Victoria and Albert Museum, London, England 1981

Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Paris, France 1982

Seibu Museum, Tokyo, Japan 1982

Philadelphia Museum of Art 1982

Elvehjem Art Museum, Madison, Wisconsin 1984

Glasmuseum, Ebeltoft, Denmark 1986

Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, Letters, Madison, Wisconsin 1988

(one-person show, “Audrey Handler”)

Charles A. Wustum Museum of Fine Art, Racine, WI 1988

Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art, Sapporo, Japan 1988

Shimonoseki City Art Museum, Shimonoseki, Japan 1988

Daimaru Grand Hall, Tokyo, Japan 1988

The Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu, Japan 1989

Daimaru Museum, Osaka, Japan 1989

One Person Show, The Glass Gallery, Bethesda, Maryland 1990

The Bradley Gallery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1986, 1987, 1990

Featured artist, Edgewood Orchard Galleries, Fish Creek, Wisconsin

1991, 1993, 1995, 1998

Charles A. Wustum Museum, of Fine Art Racine, Wisconsin 1997, 1998

Bergstrom-Mahler Museum of Glass, Neenah, Wisconsin 1997, 1998

Penland Gallery at Penland School of Crafts, Penland , North Carolina

1999 to 2004

Wisconsin Glass Masters, Invitational , The Fairfield Public Gallery,

Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin 2000

“The Nature of Craft and the Penland Experience” The Mint Museum of Craft and Design, Charlotte, North Carolina 2004

“Wisconsin Glass Invitational” Zazen Gallery, Paoli Wisconsin 2006

“Women of Glass” Overture Center for the Performing Arts,

Madison, Wisconsin 2008

“Feast for the Eyes Invitational” Center for Visual Arts,
Wausau, Wisconsin 2008-2009

“Big Ideas / Small Packages : Magnificent Glass Under 20”,
Bergstrom-Mahler Museum of Glass, Neenah, Wisconsin 2008-2009

“Not So Still Life”, Racine Art Museum, Racine Wisconsin 2010

“Glass / 30 – 40- 50” Philabaum Glass Gallery, Tucson, Arizona 2012

30th Anniversary of Philabaum Glass Gallery

40 Years each of these artists have worked in glass

50th Anniversary of the American Studio Glass Movement

“Spark and Flame”: 50 years of Art Glass and The University of Wisconsin

Madison 2012 Chazen Museum of Art, Madison, Wisconsin

“The Legacy of Littleton and his Students” Bergstrom Mahler Museum,

Neenah Wisconsin 2012

“Handle with Care: Recent Acquisitions in Glass”, Racine Art Museum

Racine Wisconsin 2012

“Anti:Fragile Contemporary Glass” Museum Of Wisconsin Art,

West Bend, Wisconsin 2013

“Contemporary American Studio Glass” from the collection of Eugene Fleischer,

Morris Museum of Art, Augusta, GA 2015

“Glass Show, purchased by Dr. James and Karen Hyde” from the MOWA

collection, Museum of Wisconsin Art, West Bend, Wisconsin 2015

Racine Art Museum, Racine, Wisconsin “Duets” 2016

Beloit Fine Arts Incubator. Group Fine Art Show, Beloit, Wisconsin 2016

14 South Artists Group painting show, Univ. of Wisconsin Hospital

Gallery, Madison, WI 2017

“Searching for Excellence” Bergstrom Mahler Museum of Glass,

Neenah, Wisconsin 2017

Wisconsin Visual Artists exhibition, Univ. of Wisconsin Hospital Gallery,

Madison, Wisconsin 2017

Gallery of Wisconsin Art, West Bend, Wisconsin Group Show 2018

“Sharper Edges”, Women Working on the Edge of Glass, Bergstrom Mahler

Museum of Glass, Neenah, Wisconsin 2018 to 2019

“New Glass Now: Context”, Corning Museum of Glass

Corning New York, 2019, 2020

“Wisconsin Ideas, Global Influences, Bergstrom Mahler Museum of Glass,

2019 to 2020

“Recent Acquisitions”, Chazen Museum of Art, Madison, Wisconsin 2021,

“60 Years of Studio Glass”, Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, Virginia 2022

“Audrey Handler, 1965 to 2020” display at Chazen Museum of Art, Madison,

Wisconsin, 2023

“Women’s Narrative”, Racine Art Museum, Racine, Wisconsin 2023

“Women in Glass”, Racine Art Museum, Racine, Wisconsin 2023

“Wisconsin Artists, A Survey: 19 60 – 1990” Racine Art Museum, Racine,

Wisconsin 2024


Greenville County Art Museum, Greenville, South Carolina

Royal College of Art, London, England

Lannan Foundation, Palm Beach, Florida

Hastings College Glass Collection, Hastings, Nebraska

Lobmeyr Museum, Vienna, Austria

Glasmuseum Frauenau, Frauenau, Germany

Museum of Arts and Design, New York City, New York

Reference Study Collection 1977

Detroit Institute of Art, Detroit, Michigan 1980

Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, New York 1981, 2017

“The Collection of Modern International Glass Art”

Glasmuseum, Ebeltoft, Denmark 1986

Bachmann Collection, Madison Wisconsin 1988

Racine Art Museum, Racine, Wisconsin 1987, 1993, 2012

American Crafts Museum, New York City, New York

George and Dorothy Saxe Collection

John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, Wisconsin 1999

Museum of Wisconsin Art, West Bend, Wisconsin 2010, 2019

Toledo Museum collection, Toledo, Ohio 2016

The Henry Ford American Glass Collection, Henry Ford Museum,

Deerborn, Michigan 2017

Paul and Elmerina Parkman Collection donated to

The Corning Museum of Glass 2017

Dr. James And Karen Hyde Collection, purchased for the

Museum of Wisconsin Art, 2018, 2019

Bergstrom Mahler Museum of Glass, Neenah, Wisconsin

Recent sculpture purchase 1998, 2019

Chazen Museum of Art, Madison, Wisconsin 2020, Historic Sculpture purchase

Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, Virginia 2020, Historic Sculpture Purchase

Private Collections


City of Philadelphia, Art Scholarship, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1952

Royal College of Art, London, England, Senior Research Fellow, 1967-1968

National Endowment for the Arts, Master Craftsmen’s

Apprenticeship Program Grant, 1977 and 1981

National Council on Education and the Ceramic Arts, Board Member,

Site Coordinator, Madison, Wisconsin Conference 1973

Awarded: Honorary Life Member of the Glass Art Society, March 17, 1994

Board Member of the Glass Art Society, Site Coordinator, Program Chairperson,

Recording Secretary, 1976 to 1980

“New Glass Review” # 1 1978, #16 1995, #43 2023 Corning Glass Museum,

Corning New York

World Craft Council Conference Delegate, Hokkaido, Japan and

Vienna, Austria 1980

Wisconsin Gallery Artists Advisory Board, Milwaukee Museum of Art Gallery


National Glass Advisory Council Member, Bergstrom Mahler Museum of Glass

2012 to present

Awarded: Wisconsin Visual Art Lifetime Achievement Award, May 16th, 2014

Books, articles, and videos

“Glass State of the Art”, Ferdinand Hampson 1984

“Contemporary Glass”, Susanne K. Frantz 1989

“Glass Focus Interviews Audrey Handler, at the Edgewood Orchard Gallery 1990

Published by Beverly Copeland and Associates

“Women Working In Glass” Lucartha Kohler 2003

“American Studio Glass 1960 – 1990” Martha Drexler Lynn 2004

“Women in International Studio Glass: 1950’s – 1980”s Debra Ruzinsky 2012

“Audrey Handler, a video interview” for The Glass Art Society archives 2010

“Shaping a Life in Glass: 2014, video Wisconsin State Journal, Madison, Wisconsin

“Studio Glass” Glass Collection of Eugene Fleischer 2015

“Forward Motion, First in Glass” a video on Youtube filmed in the

University of Wisconsin Glass Lab with Professor Helen Lee circa 2015

The Urban Glass Art Quarterly page 61 and 64 Article by William Warmus,

“A curator looks back at a seminal world survey of glass art” 2019

“My Favorite Thing”, Corning Museum News by Colleen McFarland Rademaker,

Rakow Research Library, Corning New York 2019

“The Chrysler Museum, Summer 2022 News” article by Carolyn Swan Needell

“The Hyde Collection: Studio Glass Movement in Wisconsin” article by Davira Taragin

“Power in Numbers” Urban Glass Quarterly June 2022, Victoria Ahmadizadeh Melendez

“A Creative Place” The History of Wisconsin Art , by Thomas Lidke and

Annemarie Sawkins Book Sponsored by The Cedarburg Art Museum, Cedarburg,

Wisconsin 2022

Artist’s Statement:

I create sculptural environments that make a comment on universal experiences usually on domestic themes. My research, ideas and concepts come from life observations. These sculptures are small worlds and landscape portraits with life-sized objects and sometimes tiny cast sterling silver and gold people. They create a surrealistic time and place. I also make bowls of realistic fruit and bowls of vegetables. My sculptures combine glass, precious metal and wood. "Pear in a Chair" and "Wedding Pair sculptures were created with the collaboration of my late husband John Martner who fabricated the tiny wood chairs and love seats. Painting with low fire glass paints and fusing them on tiles, glass and blown glass, creating landscapes of the prairie seen from my studio window, areas around Wisconsin and visions of landscapes from my many travels, has been a recent addition to my work in glass. My studio is an old 1890’s renovated cheese factory with posters, photos and lots of space for my creative work. Along with a glass blowing studio on the first floor, my wood shop and my painting studio are on the second floor.


Bruce Pepich Director, Wustum Museum of Fine Arts, Racine,Wisconsin.

"Artist Audrey Handler transforms scenes and objects from daily life into surrealistic theater. " Handler’s juxtaposing insect-sized figures with life-sized fruit injects an air of wit, where people dash about amid giant fruit and tableware. The viewer finds an amusing and elegant surrealistic world reminiscent of the businessmen and fruit found in the paintings of Rene Magritte.”

Paul Vickers Gardner Curator Emeritus and Former Consultant,

Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC

“This talented artist’s sculptural concepts reveal a keen insight and interest in our everyday lives. In fact, she puts real life into “Still-Life.”

James Auer Art critic, the Milwaukee Journal, Milwaukee, WI

“Audrey Handler creates bizarre Lilliputian landscapes that evoke universal human emotions and experiences. Combined with a neat sense of humor, it permits her to invest her work with a cutting satirical edge, to the point where her miniaturized depictions … of scenes … become winning little exercises in small – town surrealism.”